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Your New SRC-22F

Floorplan SRC-22F

External Base Colour

Basalt Grey

External Decals Colour

Opulent Orange


Flooring - Bari VTX20028594


Upper Cabinetry - Surf 0923
Lower Cabinetry and Bedside Benchtop - Powdered Oak 0869NT

Tabletop and Splashback

Splashback - White 0949
Table and Benchtops - Chalk Solidz 7814CK

Seating and Headboard

Fabric - Kiama Cobblestone S213 75A-1
Leather - San Diego Ash Grey 1260

Base Price $76,990.00

Manufacturer Options $975.00

Add 1 x Drawer at End of L-Shape Seat$125.00

Extend drawbar 450mm$500.00

Extra 2$350.00

Estimated Total Build Price $77,965.00

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