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Your New SRC-17

Floorplan SRC-17

External Base Colour

Basalt Grey

External Decals Colour

Opulent Orange


Flooring - Montreal VFT10120507


All Cabinetry - White 0949

Tabletop and Splashback

Benchtops - Aged Ash 8844D8
Splashback - White 0949

Seating and Headboard

Fabric - Kiama Cobblestone S213 75A-1
Leather - Taupe 0621-B

Base Price $63,490.00

Manufacturer Options $6,250.00

Upgrade to Projecta PM435-BT BMS from PM200$950.00

Projecta 3000W Inverter with AC transfer Switch$3,900.00

Add Projecta 25A DC to DC battery charger (Booster for lithium battery)$850.00

Add Projecta Shunt for Inverter (PM300 & 400 Only)$550.00

Estimated Total Build Price $69,740.00

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