Café one-piece seating$0.00
Move HWS to under W/M and upgrade offside tunnel boot door to match doorside one$500.00
Add 2 x Drawer at End of Cafe/Club Seat$250.00
Add 2 x Shelf to Lounge OHC$80.00
Remove front window$0.00
Add anti flap$575.00
Add 2 x curved roof rafter$300.00
Add full length sail track on roadside of van$250.00
Upgrade to fan forced oven from mini-grill$600.00
1 x Sirocco Fan above Doorside Bedroom Window$380.00
1 x Sirocco Fan at Foot End of Bed on Roof centred$380.00
Extra 1 x 100 lithium battery$800.00
SNOWY RIVER Townsville is a team of caravanning experts. Each with a wealth of knowledge, supporting 1000’s of adventurous Australian’s realise their holiday and travel aspirations.